$wissswiss.gif (923 byte)Income

The Swiss Way to Growth your Savings!®



        goal.JPG (7043 byte)    Set up your goals, first!


We suggest you before to invest tru us (or with any), to know which are your realistic goals. For instans, it's realistic to believe to double your investments thanks equities funds in about 7 years (Japan was the major exception!)
Organize your life to be able to safe $ 500-2000 a month to put in your saving account (by us or any)
Follow our  advise's signals when to "jump" in/out of the market (by the way we use a long term "RSI") to perform better over the years, but if you are "lazy" like miself, stay always in, and over the years you will be happy anyway!
To keep our fees low, keep always some cash in your money account, don't put all in funds.
Here few ideas for common targets, but pls use our forum to discuss them with others:


  1. Retirement plan: own your luxury villa in the Pacific, the       Caraibean or in the Canaries
  2. Financial freedom: have the time to travel or help others
  3. Go abroad and be you own boss
  4. Realize your dreams, but still, be realistic!

Beeing ourself focused on safe long term goals, we will probably be very helpfull to you if you share that same concept with us!

We strongly suggest to read this book: The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom


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(c) 2000 By $wissIncome   -   tel: +1 530 325-5578   -   fax: +1 530 348-7482